Social Emotional Wellness » Social Emotional Wellness

Social Emotional Wellness

SE Well

Social Emotional Learning

At Bricolage, we believe that all children deserve classrooms that are safe, joyful, and inclusive where all students possess a sense of belonging and significance and are able to excel socially and academically. 

Students are encouraged to take risks, learn from others, and feel that they belong to a positive community here at Bricolage. Student independence is emphasized within established boundaries and limits, and we intentionally coach children on how to manage and navigate this independence. 

At Bricolage, we take a positive approach to student culture and discipline through the intentional use of practices such as:

  • Restorative Justice 
  • Mindfulness
  • Positively framed classroom rules that are explicitly taught and practiced often
  • Positive adult language
  • Interactive modeling
  • School-wide hand signals
  • School-wide values language 
  • School-wide PBIS System
  • Social Emotional Learning Curriculum


We also support the building of student culture through frequent rituals and routines that extend our learning and give opportunities for students to celebrate with and for each other. Students will experience these moments through:

  • Morning Meeting
  • Advisory 
  • Fun Friday Activities
  • Krewe Time
  • Exhibitions of Student Work
  • Trojan Value Celebrations
  • Community Events
  • Sports Events